
Premium coconut bedding
- ReptiBlock is your best coconut bedding choice.
- ReptiBlock has the lowest salt levels in the market.
- ReptiBlock has a perfect chip size (6-12mm).
- ReptiBlock uses a strict quality control process.
Read our frequently asked question to learn more about our product. Still questions? Don't hesitate and contact us.
Convinced about the strengths of our product? Buy our product online!
Who are we?

Dries Erens
ReptiGlobe co-founder & ownerMagni qui quod omnis unde et eos fuga et exercitationem. Odio veritatis perspiciatis quaerat qui aut aut aut

Michiel Caproens
ReptiGlobe co-founder & ownerRepellat fugiat adipisci nemo illum nesciunt voluptas repellendus. In architecto rerum rerum temporibus