Why should I use ReptiBlock?
ReptiBlock is specifically designed for reptiles and amphibians. ReptiBlock is the best coconut bedding choice!
What does that mean exactly? Are there differences between different brands?
Yes, there are huge differences between brands. Big, chunky chips give less volume, so it will be more expensive in use because you will only be able to fill 6 to 7 V70 tubs / 45-50 liters. At the same time, living on big chips might give an uncomfortable feeling to your snake or other reptile or amphibian.
Too small chips, on the other hand will enhace dust levels, or will be cleared sieving the material, and there will be none or less fibers left. This is not what we want!
RepitBlock has a chip size of 6-12mm and the right amount of fibers to make a comfy bedding. ReptiBlock contains almost no dust thanks to the blowers in the sieving process.
We guarantee minimal 70 liters of product, good for 8 up to 10 V70 tubs!
Is that it?
No... There is more. We guarantee that we have the lowest salt levels in the market (< 0.3EC).
How can you achieve that?
ReptiBlock is washed three times with clean, fresh water. This process makes the product lose taurine and salt levels. After drying, the coco chips are sieved and dust is blown out. The clean and dry end product gets compressed into blocks, ready to ship to your home!
How can you guarantee quality?
Each shipment will be inspected and tested. Lab reports are present at all time. For this quality check, we collaborate with a Belgian partner. All of this makes ReptiBlock a durable and constant partner for your pet's well-being!
What is the difference in color of the substrate?
The more orange, the younger the product. The more it ages, and dries, the more brown/dark it will get. Only fresh coco chips will give a discoloration of water, older product won't.
What is the contents of one ReptiBlock?
One ReptiBlock consists of 4,5 kilograms premium coconut bedding. We ship 1, 3 or 5 packages per order. Contact us in case you want to become a reseller or when you want to order higher volumes.
How to use ReptiBlock?
- Take a box with a volume of at least 80 liters
- Add the contents of one ReptiBlock package
- Add 4 liters of hot water and leave it for 10 minutes
- Gently mix the water and the chips with your hands
- Add another 4 liters of hot water and leave it for 30 minutes
- You are done. Your animals will love the comfort